Core Industry: Urban Planning and Infrastructure
Technology: Software Platforms
Operating Industry: Urban Planning and Infrastructure
Description: Geotech Overseas for Project Engineering is a Saudi company formerly known as Geotech for Technology, Geodesy Science, Engineering, Industry and Trade Ltd. the acquisition took place on 21 May 2020, GTO pledge to continue providing the same level of services as Geotech to better serve its partners and clients. GEOTECH OVERSEAS is specialized in Geomatics Engineering, 3D geospatial data creation and IT Services. GEOTECH OVERSEAS has a unique product called CITIGENIUS for smart and object-based 3D geospatial data development using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High-Performance Computing, Simulation Technologies and Computer Graphics With extensive measurement / editing and analysis tools. The main fields of specialization and activities of GEOTECH OVERSEAS are: 1-) Geomatics Engineering (Surveying, Mapping, Geodatabase, GIS & Geoportals) 2-) 3D Object-Based Smart Cities/Models, Measurements and Smart Analysis 3-) IT Services and Government Portal
Founded Date: 2001
Location: KSA
City: Riyadh
Cell Phone Number: T: +966112074812