
International Channel Center Electronics Service (ICCES)



Core Industry: Telecommunications

Technology: Satellite communication

Operating Industry: Telecommunications

Description: ICCES have over twenty years of successful, growing business ranging from global broadband data and communication provisioning to technology solutions development. From a modest beginning, ICCES operates its own communication hubs, data centers, and Network Operating Centers (NOC) around the world, in Egypt, Netherlands, UK and USA. Today, we provide global converged communications services and are positioned to meet future customer requirements regardless of location and scope. also we have used our capacities to provide a wide range of communications solutions ranging from real-time internet and voice service to ships at sea to online vehicle tracking systems. ICCES signed long-term contracts with global satellite operators for exclusive use of satellite capacities (C and Ku Bands) from NSS Worldskies, RSCC - Earthly Orbit, and Arabsat covering service areas of the entire Middle East, Europe, Africa, the Atlantic Ocean, Arabian Gulf, and Red Sea. we also offer IT and business consulting to our commercial and government customers. We have the expertise to conduct comprehensive design-build efforts for satellite hubs, data centers, networks, and network operating center (NOC). Likewise, we have gained expertise of providing complete technology refurbishment and new construction for hotels, and office parks alike.

Location: KSA

City: Khobar


Cell Phone Number: T: +966 505899706